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The Project BIG BANG WORLDWIDE was created to demonstrate that the BIG BANG has fans around the world and also to integrate those fans. The main objective of the project is to create a music video of the music TOP OF THE WORLD completely made by fans of the five continents: ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA, EUROPE and AUSTRALIA.
A person can make a video with his Top of the world  performance and send it for e-mail bigfansproject@hotmail.comThe video will be like a clip, and will be edited selecting a better part of every video uploaded. You can make a video with staged creating a unique story based on music, drawing an animation, stop-motion ... You can do a dance presentation with the original choreography of the song or can dub music.
Get creative, inspired and give this gift to the BIGBANG!

The sound of the video with the music is totally Top Of The World. Do not send cover with your voice or instruments, ok?


• Send us videos of preference conventional formats: WMV, AVI and MPEG.• Film your video with a camera that captures images with quality.

Please DON'T:
• Edit video clips from the BIG BANG or another singer. Our idea is to create something done only by fans. Use your creativity.
• Use obscene gestures or content that incites serious sensuality.
• Do not use none form of violence, aggression or humiliation, against people and animals in your video.
• Do not use any type of drug in your video. (This includes cigarettes and alcohol)

Warning! Only use images of minors (children or babies cute) with the permission of the management of it.
If you can not record a performance, record saying the phrase'' Thanks for watching our video!''- We need one person from each continent to do so.

The email should contain:

Your video :
Your Name:
Twitter: (if you do not have twitter, put your name in the question above)
Your continent:
Your country:
YOU HAVE UNTIL THE DAY 30 September 2010 to SEND your video, PARTICIPATE!
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